14 April 2013

When Gods Go to War

Injustice: Gods Among Us is an upcoming video game wherein all the heroes, anti-heroes and villains in the DC universe come together to fight in a battle royale. If this wasn't enough to make geeks everywhere swoon with unparalleled glee, a prequel comic is being released monthly explaining how this grand battle started in the first place.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

The comic sucks you in right from issue 1, wherein a pregnant Lois Lane is kidnapped by the Joker and ultimately killed by her husband Superman, who, infected with Scare Crow's fear toxin interlaced with kryptonite, mistook her for Doomsday and attacked her. (It sounds more complicated than it really is). The Joker hooked up a timer to Lois' heart so that as soon as it stopped, a nuke was set off in Metropolis, wiping out the city completely.

The Joker did all this in one issue. Superman villains, you guys might want to take notes.

Am I sad that Lois is dead? Quite the contrary! Although the whore looking to take her place is worse (I'll get to that in a bit).

Superman, having lost everything, killed the Joker, and called a press conference wherein he revealed his true identity and called ("ordered" is the more appropriate word) for a worldwide ceasefire, with Wonder Woman (remember the whore I was talking about?) egging him on.

What I absolutely hate about Wonder Woman in this comic is that she comes off as this self-righteous bitch that is making things worse than they have to be. She is one of the main reasons why Superman is turning into a dictator. Of course, Superman is backed up by most members of the Justice League, but Wonder Woman is the one that has taken up the role of Cassius to Superman's Brutus.

Thankfully, there is one member of the League who is opposed to the idea of forced peace - Batman. Yes, our very own Dark Knight, apparently the only one who has ever read history enough to spot the patterns of emerging dictatorial rule, is the only major member so far to not back up Superman in his crusade. I think Flash will start questioning Superman's methods as well, but I haven't read that issue yet.

When Superman confronts Batman in the batcave, Batman revealed to him that he needed to stop, but Superman would not hear of it. It seems to me that this version of Superman is the boy-scout that I've always disliked. Batman, in cleaning the streets of Gotham, has witnessed so many atrocities that Superman couldn't even begin to imagine, and yet he refrains from killing. He does not kill because he knows that he would not be able to stop with just one. When Superman blamed Lois' death on Batman's hesitance to kill the Joker, Batman said (quite rightly) that the justification of the first kill will open up opportunities to justify the murders that follow. But Superman wouldn't hear any of it, thinking himself a more tragic hero than Batman. How utterly amusing.

I particularly love the conversation that Superman had with Alfred as he was leaving the cave:
Alfred: Not staying for tea, Master Kent?
Superman: I'm afraid not, Alfred. And you don't have to call me "Master."
Alfred: Good. Let's remember that. 
Aw, snap! You tell him, Alfred!

Aquaman is another character that I like in this. I knew that Aquaman in the new comics was more bad-ass, but Injustice has convinced me that I need to pick up an Aquaman comic, ASAP. He summoned a freaking Kraken for crying out loud!

As it stands right now, Batman has been cut off from the Justice League, Wonder Woman is a whore, Aquaman has submitted himself to Superman's "peace" treaty, and Superman is quickly on his way to becoming a super-powered Hitler. The plot just keeps getting more intense, and regardless of which side you're on, you will definitely see this story as one of the more memorable ones of recent history.

Injustice so far has hints of Death Note in it. Superman resembles Light, who yearns for peace and resorts to enforce it through highly questionable means. Batman resembles L, who understands that peace must arise of its own accord, or else it is not really peace. So in ending I will take a quote that Light said regarding the actions of Kira:
"If we catch Kira, he is evil. If he rules the world, he is justice."