16 April 2013

Bulking Up - A Year Later

I used to be a stick, you know, one of those guys that was really skinny and no matter how hard he tried, he could not seem to bulk up. Well all that changed last year. I made a resolution at the beginning of the year to bulk up and I followed through with it, exercising my heart out and eating like someone who just got rescued from a deserted island. Undoubtedly the results were starting to show by September.

I stopped working out for three months because I had to prepare for my finals. I got a little chubby as a result. As soon as the exams were behind me, I picked up my barbells and continued where I left off. You can see the results below:

Not bad for a couple months' worth of exercise. I know there are people that have gained much more in less time, but hey, we all move at our own pace.

Those that know me will tell you that my goal in life is to be mentally and physically fit, just like Bane (minus the venom and the destruction). So far so good.